A playbook is a series of actions meant to be executed to help a customer achieve a goal or objective in a scalable manner. In ClientSuccess playbooks are built, managed and measured through our SuccessCycle module. Here you will be able to break your playbooks into various stages with tasks and activities. Leverage automation triggers to ensure your team is doing the right things at the right time.
Effective playbooks have 5 key components:
Defined Goal: Make sure you are clear on the objective you want to achieve with each and every playbook you design for your team. It will be impossible to enforce adoption if the purpose is not made clear. If it doesn't have a goal, it's likely not important.
Clear Criteria: Your CS team will need to understand who is involved in executing the playbook, when it's appropriate to use it and why they would use it in that particular scenario.
List of Steps: Each playbook will have a series of tasks and activities that the team will need to execute in order to achieve the outcome. Leave some room for flexibility, remember not every situation is the same and might require your team to deviate to achieve the same outcome. The goal is the goal - the goal is not checking the box on a specific task.
Assets: Empower your team with pre-written email templates, presentations, linked documents etc. If it's something they will need to "wash, rinse and repeat", make sure they have access to it from the playbook (SuccessCycle).
Tracking: The good news is that ClientSuccess will enable your team to track their playbook execution - Tacking and measuring is key!
Check out our 3 categories of playbooks to help you get started: